Last week, we introduced you to darling Patricia, our alumni of the month! This week, she’s sharing with us her Partner in Peace, BirdieLight.
Here’s how our Peace Partner Program works: For a chance to win a reading with me, please donate to BirdieLight and then submit your receipt here. A winner will be picked at random by June 1st!
Here’s why Patricia is so passionate about BirdieLight and why we’re so excited to be partnering with them in PEACE!
“My son, Dash, heard the founder at his school, a mom who lost her son Eli Weinstock tragically when he unintentionally ingested fentanyl.
He came home and shared all he learned and I saw how completely moved he was by this family’s story and their tragic loss.
BirdieLight saves lives by educating young people about the danger of unintentional fentanyl ingestion, and by empowering them with tools to detect fentanyl before they ingest.
While it is a dark subject, it is essential that we shed as much light on this subject as possible so we can save young lives and help avoid what happened to Eli.”
Donate here.
Submit your receipt here.