
November’s Nuurvanian is none other than award-winning activist, author, and movement builder, Jamia Wilson!

After her first Nuurvana session, Jamia and I became fast friends. We co-hosted a workshop on spirituality and activism. She’s a board member of the Omega Institute and has helped me teach a workshop on the divine feminine for their programing.

She’s intuitive and a natural-born healer so the Nuurvana Program was a natural fit for her. She’s been writing, advocating and inspiring for decades – our Program helped deepen her self-care and community-care to help sustain her astonishing efforts. The tools she learned in the Program continue to stimulate her creativity and elevate her vision.

Her books are my go-to gifts for activists and future thought-leaders and I’m forever trying to think of new ways to collaborate with her because I always learn so much and feel so seen and affirmed when connecting with her.

Keep connected with this light bearer through her instagram or website and she’ll light up your life!