

I’m always trying to give the disclaimer, “This is how I am seeing it at this very moment. Things may change.”
There are so many factors involved when reading energy, including your energy, their energy, and universal energy. How you respond to the next few events in your life may set up the future events in your life.
Psychic Reading Accuracy Factors
I’m always trying to give the disclaimer, “This is how I am seeing it at this very moment.  Things may change.”

There are so many factors involved when reading energy, including your energy, their energy, and universal energy.  How you respond to the next few events in your life may set up the future events in your life.

We will recreate lessons for ourselves until we master them.  Where I see you in the future depends on what you choose to do in the present.

Allow me to further illustrate what I mean with the following example:

I once gave a reading where I saw someone in an unfulfilling relationship.  She asked about the longevity of it, if there was anything she could do to make it a more mutually beneficial dynamic for them, and other such questions.  What I saw was that her needs were not being met.  He was at that current moment in time unable to meet her needs and I did not see him interested or willing to move in a direction to meet her needs.  I saw a lot of love, and a mutual desire to stay in the relationship.  She asked me if they broke up, how long it would be before she found her next partner.

Immediately, the number 8 appeared.  Then I saw a lot of resistance to letting go of the relationship, and lots of holding onto hope that things could change.  My reply was, “It looks like it could take up to 8 months.  But he is GREAT!  I went on to describe him and how they may possibly meet.”

I received an email 2 weeks later saying, “Well, you got the 8 right. . .  And you’re right, he is GREAT!”  The letter went on and on affirming all that came up during the reading, only it all happened 8 days later, rather than 8 months.  She included in the letter her process after the reading.

She was so excited and inspired by the thought of this new partner, she broke up with her boyfriend that very night!  The reading provided her with a huge energetic shift!  She was ready and willing to shift this energy and embrace the changes that were to result as consequence of it.  She blew me away with the amount of energy she worked through in such little time!

So, at the time of the reading, I saw her holding onto hope and her actions being rooted in the potential of things, more so than the reality of things.  Though her rose-colored glasses served to be one of her greatest gifts, they were holding her back in terms of this relationship.  Her lesson was acceptance.  Accept others exactly as they are.  Accept life exactly as it is.  Oh, she mastered that lesson and fast!

Now, had she been one to take longer in integrating the wisdom of the reading and in mastering her lessons, things may have gone a little differently.  She may have stayed in the relationship until it became crystal clear how difficult it was for her boyfriend to change although he really did want to.  Or, she could have broken up with him and still held onto the hope that they would ultimately live happily ever after together.  There is much she could have done that would have influenced her future.  She completely understood that.

Once we master our lessons, the wisdom of our readings tends to resonate even more strongly.  I watched as she listened, received, and accepted my words.  However, the “click,” did not happen until later on that night.

Though the content of my message – which exists on an energetic/spiritual plane – did not change, the way it panned out across her personal timeline – a social construct we have created on the physical plane – changed dramatically.

Who you are in my presence will influence what I see.  If what I see influences who you become only moments later, then much may change only moments later.  This can go both ways.

Let’s take the current example.  Some of my clients are totally connected to their highest selves and pure potentials when they come to see me and then may slip into some older energies once they leave.  (Weekly intuitive acupuncture sessions help prevent this slip!)  Had that been the case in this example, I may have seen her moving on in 8 days and the process could have taken 8 months in actuality.

She could have heard all my words and energetically connected to them.  Yet, it may have taken some time for her to really integrate the wisdom and the healing into her mind and body.  It may have taken her some time to master her lessons, even if she understood them completely.

The readings tend to hold true and accurate when it comes to their messages and lessons.  All energy/spirit- based stuff is timeless.  It’s when our minds get involved that the time-lines and logistics of the readings may change.

meet our founder

Dr. Deganit Nuur is a world renowned spiritual teacher, clairvoyant, doctor of acupuncture, writer, and lecturer.
Besides being named “Top 15 Intuitives Globally” by Gwyneth Paltrow’s publication, goop, Nuur has been featured in
The New York Times, Vanity Fair, Vogue, and Forbes amongst other reputable publications.