

let’s talk about things that matter and expand on ideas covered in our classes, workshops, circles, and podcasts. you will find complimentary exercises and in-depth topics covered on the Nuurvana method: how to unblock manifestations, how to let go and complete a cycle… and how to let your diamond shine brighter!

Receiving as Giving

Hello, you beautiful giant lovers! 

What I find in this community without fail are some of the most giant giving hearts.  I swoon!  You are all doing all the things for all the people all the time!  You’re supporting others, giving of your time, your money, your energy.  You’re the extra special friend who has the insight, has the advice, who HOLDS space like no other!  Shouldn’t we all be so lucky to have a friend like you?!

Resoundingly the answer is yes!  What a blessing you are!  Congratulate yourself for all your superpower hearts!  

Seriously.  Take a minute and congratulate yourself.


What happened just then?  Try to go back and catch the thought that just ran through your mind.

Some of you thought:

  • Yes, I am a great friend! Go, me!
  • Aw, that’s sweet.  Thank you!  Love you, too!

Others of you thought:

  • That’s kind of ridiculous.  Why would I congratulate myself?
  • Next!  This article isn’t for me. 
  • I don’t need credit for that.  That’s kind of silly.

For those of you who acknowledged yourself, who gave yourself credit, I say amazing work!  It’s hard, right?  In that moment, you were pouring into yourself and actually receiving.  I’m curious if that was a natural response or if it took hard work.  I’d invite you to ask yourself this question, “If someone else were offering me something (praise, thanks, acknowledgment, a tangible real-life gift) would I have been able to receive it in the same way? If yes, double congratulate yourself!  

For those of you who deferred crediting yourself, all good!  It happens!  It’s super hard to receive, right?  You might be more comfortable being the giver.  I totally get it! For you, I’d like to share this hack:

  • Think about that giver’s high you get when you’re in giving mode (giving of your time, someone unwrapping a gift you got special for them, planning a fun event for the fam, putting dinner on the table).
  • It feels really good, right? 
  • Can you flip the script and see how when you accept what others offer you that you’re actually GIVING?
    • Sounds wild, right?  Come along with me!
  • When you graciously receive all that’s given to you, you’re giving the other person the gift of the GIVER’S HIGH!
  • Take a moment to imagine that look of joy, that feeling of accomplishment they’ll feel by offering you something and you effusively receiving it.  
    • I’m reading into the level of surprise many of you are visualizing because, seriously, how good does it feel to offer YOU (of all people!) something you actually love! How fun is that?

Many of us have heard that giving is receiving, so let’s flip it!  Receiving is giving!

For all those who’ve got the receiving muscle next-level toned and trained, you’re a receiving unicorn!  Please share all your magickal ways with us!

For all the doers and givers out there, try this mind hack and let us know how you’re doing with it?  Is it supporting you?  Any wins?  Any ahas? 

Let us know @nuurvana 

Want to learn more?

Big love!

meet our founder

Dr. Deganit Nuur is a world renowned spiritual teacher, clairvoyant, doctor of acupuncture, writer, and lecturer.
Besides being named “Top 15 Intuitives Globally” by Gwyneth Paltrow’s publication, goop, Nuur has been featured in
The New York Times, Vanity Fair, Vogue, and Forbes amongst other reputable publications.