Letting Go and Seeing Anew

Letting Go and Seeing Anew

blog Each of the phrases expresses future-oriented thinking. Sometimes these words come from fear. Other times they come from worry. And almost always, they show an attachment to outcome. We often hold on to a perspective, an idea, or a way we want things to be....
Spirits & Ghosts

Spirits & Ghosts

blog In previous blog posts, I addressed the importance of letting go, letting the dead leaves fall, and embracing the new, even when the new is unknown. I highlighted this importance by illustrating for you what happens in the afterlife. As it is above, so it is...
Why Meditate? SO Many Reasons!

Why Meditate? SO Many Reasons!

blog In the past week, I’ve had not one, not two, but three of my friends tell me all about their meditation practice! Also in the past week, I finally decided on my topic for this very research article; meditation. How synchronistic, right? Search for: Why Meditate?...
What Happens When We Die?

What Happens When We Die?

blog Not a week goes by that I don’t get asked this question! Many of you come in after loosing a beloved. You’ve been referred to me by a friend that was in your shoes not long ago. Death is an inevitable part of this journey and yet so mysterious, taboo, and often...
The Importance of Death

The Importance of Death

blog It seems most of us resist change, even though it’s the only constant. Most of us tend to fear death and tread lightly around the subject matter, even though we’re all guaranteed experiencing it at least once (and even more likely multiple times) before we,...